Monday, June 16, 2008

June 11-12, 2008

We helped the campers get packed up this morning and went to the theater for the morning rotation. We played a bunch of get to you know you type games and got dressed up in costumes. We then went to archery and the campers made a bet with me that if they could get close to the bulls eye they could pie me in the face. Needless to say come lunch time I got pied in the face. Following downtime we went to the banquet/dinner then to Award’s night. Each camper got an award from a particular program area that they most enjoyed/excelled at which brought many smiles from this individual recognition of each camper. I and the rest of the volunteers also received a special thanks and a pin. The cabin closing was pretty emotional with many campers crying. As we were saying our good nights one camper said “I love you Brian” which gave me the warm and fuzzies and helped me realized I accomplished my goals for the week of giving the campers a week to remember.

June 12, 2008

The camper departure was even more emotional than I had anticipated. Two of the campers who have been in the same cabin for three years embraced when the first had to leave and just sobbed uncontrollably. I broke down and decided to get a hotel for tonight after my flight to California rather then just sleeping in the airport. After my flight from Connecticut to California I arrived around 8 p.m. and got a shuttle to the Motel 6. It was nice to get a good night sleep but considering it was one of the cheapest I could find it made for some interesting experiences. The first was all the prostitutes walking around the lobby. I got in the elevator and pushed the floor and the door closed but the elevator never went anywhere but luckily I was able to get out of it. In the other elevator the floor dial changed to two before we even left floor one but it at least got me to the right floor. Only the bathroom and hall light worked in the room but none the less I got a good night sleep so that was all that mattered.


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