Monday, June 16, 2008

June 10, 2008

We had sleep in this morning until about 7:30 which was so nice to catch up on some sleep. After breakfast we went to horses where I led the horse “Magic” who was carrying a camper on a trail ride. When we got back from the trail ride a few of the campers wanted to help clean up the stables and they turned out to be some good pooper scoopers. After they got bored with that they brushed out one of the other horses.

After horses, we had meal out (for lunch) which was a time to have a meal away from the dining hall for our entire unit. I was on the meal out committee so we grilled hamburgers and hot dogs and ate in the back of the theater. I even tried my first ever Vegetarian burger just because they looked so interesting while we were grilling them. Admittedly, it wasn’t as bad as I was anticipating.

We then went to sports and rec and I had to take one camper to the infirmary about mid-way through to get his ankle wrapped and also get factor. After dinner was the infamous talent show. Notable performances were 2 amazing piano performances, a soccer handling demonstration from one of the international campers, and hip hop dancing. One of the most impressive things about the show was the two of the oldest campers emceed the show and translated it for four different languages the entire evening.


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